Las Moras Organic Beef products, while focusing on sustainable practices, animal welfare, human health and environmental conservation, are characterized by a unique and unrepeatable taste.

Las Moras Organic Beef complies with strict organic certification standards in Uruguay, the United States and the European Union. This assures consumers that they are purchasing genuinely organic and highquality products.

Much more than just organic

Organic beef is usually richer
in nutrients due to the animal's diet
and strict herd management.
This makes it a healthier
option for consumers.

Meat organic production goes beyond simply producing meat without the use of synthetic chemical products; and focuses on sustainable practices, animal welfare, human health and environmental preservation.

Las Moras Organic Beef aligns with the mindful eating movement which promotes food choices that are beneficial to both human health and the environment.

· Superior taste
· Distinctive marbling
· Exceptional tenderness
· Uniform texture
· Nutritional quality